Collection of astronomical facts

1. If earth doesn’t have moon, which tide will not occur?

Spring tide

2. Alan Shepherd is the first American in space (May 5th, 1961)

3. STS- Space Transport System

4. What is the maximum possible angle between the direction of Sun & that of a planet (as viewed from earth) is called?

Maximum Angular Seperation.

5. Name the planet which appears as morning star in the eastern sky and evening star in western sky?

Venus & Mercury.

6. When the Galileo Probe entered Jupiter's atmosphere, it was traveling at a speed of 106,000 miles per hour. This is the fastest impact speed ever achieved by a man-made object. AD:From tomorrow u will receive d msgs on computer facts.

7. ISRO has submitted a project report for cabinet consideration with plans to launch a crewed mission in 2015. The projected budget is Rs.10000 crores over a five-six year period.

8. Q] Who was the first person to measure the size of another planet?

A] christian huygen.

9. ISRO also plans to launch payloads SRE-1, RISAT-1, ASTROSAT, OCEANSAT series, INSAT series, CARTOSAT series and GSAT series over the next couple of years.

10. ISRO has started the development of the next launch vehicle version, known as the GSLV-3, with an indigenous cryogenic engine capable of launching satellites weighing upto 6 tons.

11. ISRO will continue research related to using scramjets in Resuable Launch Vehicle (RLV)s after 2010. This is a long-term project to develop a RLV to launching satellites. Its name is AVATAR

12. There are mirrors on the moon. Astronauts left them so that laser beams could be bounced off of them from Earth. These beams help give us the distance to the moon give or take a few metres.2.There are six million parts in the Boeing 747-400.

13. Totally our country sent 41 successful missions to space. In that PSLV plays an important role in sending 13 missions, GSLV-4, ASLV-2, SLV-1 and the rest of all sent by the other nations.


1. The Indian committee on space research was founded by Dr. Vikram Sarabai in 1969.


1. Bangalore: Space commission, Department of space & ISRO Head quarters, INSAT program office, National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS), Civil engineering division, Antrix corporation, ISRO satellite center, ISTRAC- ISRO Telemetry, Tracking And Command network, Regional Remote sensing Service Center (RRSSC)- Sothern region, LPSC- Liquid Propulsion System Center.
Thiruvanandapuram-Vikram Sarabhai Space center (VSSC), Liquid propulsion system (LPSC).

Ahemadabad- Space Application center, Physical research Laboratory, Development And Educational Communication Unit.

SHAR Center- Renamed Sathish Dawan Space Center (Sriharikota).

Liquid Propulsion test facilities (Mahendragiri).

ISRO Lison office (Mumbai)

INSAT Master Control facility (Hassan)

DOS Branch Secretariat

ISRO Branch Office

Delhi Earth Station

Indian Institute of Remote Sensing

RRSSC Northern Region

ISTRAC Ground Station

RRSSC Eastern Region (Kharagpur)

National remote Sensing Agency (Hydrabad)

Ammonium Perchlorate Experimental Plant (Aluva)

NMRF- National Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere, Radar Facility (Tirupathi)

Solar Observatory (Udaipur)

Infra Red Observatory (Mount Abu)

North Eastern Space Application Center (Shillong)

RSSC-Central Region (Nagpur)

RSSC-Western Region (Jodhpur)

Down Range Station (Port Blair)


Indian National Committee For Space Research (INCOSPAR) formed by the department of atomic energy & work on establishing Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) near Truvandrum.

First Sounding Rocket launched from TERLS on November 21, 1963.

1965: Space Science & Technology Center (SSTC) established in Thumba.

1967: Satellite Telecommunication Earth Station set up at Ahemedabad.

1972: Space Communication & department of space set up.


Constellation -Centaurus
Star -Alpha centuri
Distance -4.3lyrs
Color -Yellow
Brightness -1.5 (Sun=1)

Name -Beta Centauri
Constellation -Centaurus
Distance -300Lyrs
Color -Blue, White
Brightness -5000 (Sun=1)

Name -Pollux
Constellation -Gemini
Distance -40lyrs
Color -Orange
Brightness -45
Name -Castor
Constellation -Gemini
Distance -45lyrs
Color -White
Brightness -27

Name -Arcturus
Constellation -Bootes
Distance -36lyrs
Color -Orange
Brightness -110

Name -Vega
Constellation -lyrs
Distance -27lyrs
Color -White
Brightness -55

Name -Fomalhaut
Constellation -Picis Australias
Distance -23lyrs
Color -White
Brightness -14

Name -Altair
Constellation -Aquila
Distance -16.5lyrs
Color -White
Brightness -11

Name -Procyon
Constellation -Canis Minor
Distance -11.3lyrs
Color -Yellow, White
Brightness -7.3

Name -Canopus
Constellation -Carnia
Distance -I00lyrs
Color -Yellow, White
Brightness -1500

Name -Regulus
Constellation -Leo
Distance -75lyrs
Color -Blue, White
Brightness -120

Name -Achearnar
Constellation -Eridanus
Distance -65lyrs
Color -Blue, White
Brightness -200

Name -Aldedabran
Constellation -Taurus
Distance -53lyrs
Color -Orange
Brightness -100

Name -Capella
Constellation -Auriga
Distance -47lyrs
Color -Orange
Brightness -170

Name -Rigel
Constellation -Orion
Distance -800lyrs
Color -Blue & White
Brightness -40000

Name -Betelgeuse
Constellation -Orion
Distance -500lyrs
Color -Red
Brightness -1700

Name -Bellatrix
Constellation -Orion
Distance -360lyrs
Color -Blue, White
Brightness -2300

Name -Antares
Constellation -Scorpio
Distance -400lyrs
Color -Red
Brightness -5000

Name -Staula
Constellation -Scorpious
Distance -300lyrs
Color -Blue, White
Brightness -1700

Name -Spice
Constellation -Virgo
Distance -260lyrs
Color -Blue, White
Brightness -2800

Name -Deneb
Constellation -Cygnus
Distance -1400lyrs
Color -White
Brightness -60000

Know some facts

1. What would a selenologist study?

The Moon

2. Which object officially joined solar system on May 1, 1930?


3. Hawaii Island might have been formed due to the impact of asteroids.

4. There are about 20% of planetary system and 60% stars that are similar to our sun to form planets like ours.

5. Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966) was the first person to put forward the theory that the universe started from a dense, single unit of material in a big explosion. The name big bang followed in 1950, introduced by Fred Hoyle, a British astronomer & supporter of the steady state theory.

6. Earth revolves the Sun at the speed of more than 1600km/s

7. Russia’s MIR was launched on 20, February, 1986. Modules were added to the core in 1987, 1989, 1990 & 1995. During its lifetime, the space station hosted 28 long term crew.
It remained in orbit until 23 march 2001, when it was deliberately brought down into the pacific ocean.

8. earth’s atmosphere consist of the troposphere, extending from ground level to a height of between 8 & 17 km, the stratosphere extends up to around 50 km, the mesosphere between 50 & around 80 km, the thermosphere from around 80 up to 200km. Beyond this height lies the exosphere.

9. Quasars3C-273 was the first Quasar to be identified, & is also the brightest; its magnitude is 12.8. It lies in Vigro. No other Quasar is brighter than magnitude 16.

10. Hubble was originally designed in 1970s & launched in 1990 Hubble orbits 600 km above earth, working round-the-clock to unlock the mysteries of the universe.

11. The number of stars visible to the naked eye from earth has been estimated to total 8000, of which 4000 are in northern hemisphere of the sky & 4000 in the southern hemisphere .

12. The life chemicals formaldehyde can be detected in radio emission from the galaxy NGC253.

13. Twelve American astronauts landed at six sites on the Moon between 1969 & 1972. The first crew explored on foot, the later ones in lunar roving vehicles. They setup & carried out experiments & brought back about 380kg (840 lb) of moon rock dust.
12. A NASA spacecraft in orbit around mars has taken the first ever image of active Avalanches near red planet’s North Pole. Avalanche - Sudden flow of a large mass of snow or ice down or slope.

13. Earth may have a twin orbiting one of our nearest stellar neighbors, as suggested by University of California’s graduate Javiera Guedes.

14. How much of moon’s surface is visible from earth?

 About 59%.

15. From Mars, Earth would be seen to go through distinct phases (just as we see moon change phases). Earth is inside the orbit of Mars, & as the two planets travel around the sun, sunlight would strike our home planet from different angles during the year. Earth phases can be seen in recent photos taken by Global Surveyor & the European Mars Express.

16. What would a 100 pound person weigh on Mars?

 The gravity on Mars is 38% of that found on Earth at sea level. So a 100 pound person on earth would weigh 38 pounds on Mars.

17. Who is the first woman to walk in space?

 Svetlana Savitskaya of Russia, 1984

18. The distance from the surface of the earth to the center is about 3,963 miles (6,378 km) much of earth is fluid. The mostly solid skin of the planet is only 41 miles (66 km)

19. A billion years ago, the moon was in a tighter orbit, taking just 20 days to go around us and make a month. A day on earth back then was only 18 hours long.

20. 14 units of solar energy get absorbed in the earth’s atmosphere itself.

21. Extension of MESSENGER space craft: MESSENGER- Mercury Surface, Space, Environment, Geography & Ranging.

22. At least 1000 millions grams or 1000 tons of material enters the atmosphere of earth every year. One group of scientists claim microbe rain down from space & that ET is responsible for Flu Epidemics.

23. Around noon in September 15, 2007 residents in the town of carancas, peru, saw a firewall striking over head. Eyewitnesses reported the firewall had a luminous head & a whit tail. The resulting explosion smashed windows up to 0.6 mile(1km) away & created a crater 49 feet (15 meters ) across.

24. The Indian name for Pluto is called yama.

25. The first girl to go to space is Valantina Thereskova.
26. Because the planet rotates & is more flexible then we might imagin, it bulges at the midsection, creating a sort of pumpkin shape. The amount of bulge was Lessing for centuries but suddenly it is growing. A recent study shows accelerated melting of earth’s glacier is taking the blame for gain of equatorial girth.

27. Who is the first person to go for a tour in space?

 Tennis Tetto

28. Which molecule was first discovered in space?


29. There are four training steps that all aspiring astronauts should undergo before going in to space.
a) Medical Qualification Exam
b) Theoretical lessons, Lectures & Active hands on simulator training.
c) Learning how to work as a valuable member of a cosmonaut team.
d) Actual training with other members of assigned mission team.
30. who is the first man to walk in space?


31. The rocket of India is ROHINI.

32. The first satellite of India is Arayabatta.

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